Sizzle Under the Super Moon ~ 28 Aug 2015

Today is the first of three consecutive “Super Moons,” basically the full moon when the Moon is at perigee, or its closest point to Earth within a revolution. Unlike a blue moon, which is a calender effect, the full moon at perigee packs extra punch. By virtue of gravity, there is a stronger pull to/from the Earth-Moon system. Interpretively, there is more reaction expected because of the intensified gravitational emphasis. In terms of awe, there is an amplified “wow” factor especially as the moon rise radiates with greater visual vibrance.

It is interesting that the next two of the three-set of 2015 Venus to Mars conjunctions fit in with the super moon pattern. Monday, two days after the first of three super moons, Venus and Mars align. The last of the super moons in the upcoming cycle happens October 27th, just short of a week preceding a conjunction of Venus and Mars on November 2nd.

And since we’re in solar Virgo time, just a pesky detail. Depending upon where in the world you are, you may not see these alignments on the day stated... you might be off by one day... time zones being what they are.

So Monday, Venus and Mars align in Leo, another sizzling fire sign of the personal planets. Earlier this year - late February - they aligned in Aries. Indeed the “I want it” (Venus) and “I’m going to get it” (Mars) planets, theoretically establish a balance of feminine and masculine energy, setting up a smooth action trend for sensing an agenda and promptly engaging and fulfilling that agenda.

With the fire signs involved in February’s and next week’s alignments of these potent neighboring planets, a natural exuberance urges those feeling the energies to get on with it at all costs. Truly, it feels like a “now or never” urgency. Really, the energies report the gate is open now, get your butt through it and get on with the getting on while the getting going is really good.

Given the fire signs involved - as in the two most self-referential of the fire signs - one might be inclined to think, “I’m just going to go over there and get that; “that” being whatever emotionally charged objective dominates the conscious mind in the moment. In fact, with Venus and Mars together, all other factors seem pixelated... unclear, perhaps irrelevant. Unless of course the personal objective involves other people. Then, a bit of diplomacy might be required. Actually, a good deal of diplomacy may need to be dealt.

Realize that if others are involved in your objectives, they now experience their life priorities with the same zest and zeal with which you experience yours. So, some lack of alignment of what is the most dang urgent matter in life likely results from assigning value to different priorities. While others may agree to participate with your objectives, certain details in their lives may need sorting first. When those matters sort, they’ll gleefully report for whatever shared duty the goals require. Not before.

Should one be pressured to feel the same fire and passion as you in a time when they have other burning desires, fires to put out, flaming creative surges to complete, they might just tell you to bugger off or work to extinguish your burning desire. Keep the pressure down. If your objective is to slow cook ribs (or perfectly steam edamame or cook non GMO grits to perfection, for you veggies out there), you cannot fast fry the food to your culinary expectations.

So, feel the sizzle. Do everything you can do to prepare your high value, emotionally evocative life targets. When doors open, go through the portals without hesitation. Most important, be ready for any opportunity at any instant. If you pitch an idea and someone says, “show me the details,” you cannot reply with “I’ll get that to you in a day or so.” Have the readiness and responsiveness you expect others to demonstrate good to go in each moment.

As the third Venus-Mars conjunction of the year culminates in early November, the have “ducks in a row” concept stands out as even more important. The alignment will be in Virgo. Just because the conjunction occurs in the sign of the virgin, the sultriness is not mitigated. There are those who just love details, find spreadsheets stimulating, and can intimately and passionately engage with a well-developed plan.

By the time the third Venus-Mars alignment comes about, the emotional impact stands to be well cultivated. Three times, the full moons exerted more gravitational and visual impact. Emotions rise. Inspiration and cosmic wonder naturally follow.

Get your sizzle on. Your personal press packages, statements of purpose, philosophical platforms or ways to save the world require full-blown emotional -umph, relate-ability and the spark to catch the consciousness of those riding the wave of collective awe.